Dr. Schroeder presented “CT Guided Surgery – The New Standard of Care in Dental Implant Surgery” at the 2015 Midwestern OMS Annual meeting at Silverado Resort and Spa in Napa, California.
Cone beam CT scanners have become an essential piece of equipment for most 21st century oral and maxillofacial surgical practices. The benefits of 3D imaging along with recent software advances have made CT aided implant surgeries more practical, affordable, and productive to the point that the undeniable advantages of these techniques are becoming the standard of care in many oral surgery practices. The course discussed the evolution of guided implant surgery and emphasize the use of CBCT in implant surgical planning as well as its uses in other aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery including dentoalveolar surgery, cuspid ligation, pathology and reconstruction, and orthognathic surgery.