Are Dental Implants a Better Option Than Dentures

When our doctors meet with potential dental implants patients in their Peoria office, they’re often asked if dental implants are truly a better option than traditional dentures. This is an understandable question, as dentures have been around for many, many years, and this tooth replacement option is well-known and familiar to everyone. However, there have been many advancements in the world of dentistry since the implementation of dentures, and dental implants are now believed to be the best tooth replacement system on the market today.

At Associated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, our doctors are dedicated to helping their patients feel confident in the appearance and effectiveness of their dental implants. They spend extensive time in close collaboration with Peoria patients’ general dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare providers to contribute to a positive and natural-looking outcome. In this blog, we will discuss why dental implants are a better option than dentures for most men and women.

First, What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a replacement for a missing tooth root. Dr. BuschDr. Otte, or Dr. Schroeder surgically place dental implants into the jaws of their Peoria patients when they have loose, missing, or damaged teeth. After placement, a single crown, set of crowns, fixed dentures, or a custom framework that supports all of the teeth can be placed on top. The result—a permanently restored smile that looks and functions like natural teeth.

Men and women in the area may be a good candidate for dental implants if they:

  • Are missing a tooth or several teeth
  • Have teeth that require extraction
  • Have dentures that are not working well or fitting comfortably
  • Prefer a solution that is long-lasting, natural-looking, and fully functional

Next, What Are Dentures?

Traditional dentures are prosthetic teeth that replace missing teeth. They also have artificial gums they are attached to. Dentures are placed on top of the gum line and are not surgically placed into the jawbone; therefore, they do nothing to stimulate jawbone tissue or prevent further tooth loss, gum resorption, or jawbone resorption. Traditional dentures must be removed nightly for cleaning and do not allow patients full oral functionality, as they are more susceptible to cracks, breaks, slipping, and sliding.

For Most, Dental Implants Are a Better Option Than Dentures

Our doctors highly recommend dental implants to their Peoria patients for many reasons, including:

  • They are a permanent tooth replacement system
  • They provide natural-looking results and are aesthetically pleasing
  • They will never have to be refitted
  • They are strong and durable
  • They only require traditional oral hygiene to remain healthy and successful
  • They stimulate jawbone growth, which sustains your facial structure
  • They do not come with limitations, meaning patients can eat all their favorite foods and speak without issue

Call Our Doctors Today to Learn More About Dental Implants

Our doctors have extensive experience as oral surgeons, including advanced dental implants trauma reconstruction. Because of this, they have honed the surgical techniques that provide their patients with stable and lasting results that are natural-looking as well.

To learn more about how dental implants can change your life, call our doctors in Peoria today at (309) 326-9250 to schedule your initial consultation.