Pre-Operative Instructions
At Associated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of Peoria, we provide state-of-the-art wisdom tooth extraction to protect the health of your smile. Our team of skilled oral surgeons can perform both simple and complex extractions, including the removal of impacted wisdom teeth.

- The night before surgery eat a light meal for dinner
- Consume no alcoholic beverages
- Your mouth & teeth should be well cleansed before your appointment. When rinsing, try not to swallow the water
- The patient must be accompanied by a responsible adult who can remain in the office during the entire procedure to drive the patients home.
- Following the procedure and the anesthesia experience, patients should not make important decisions, operate devices or machinery or drive a vehicle for 24 hours
- Please wear a short sleeve
- Remove contact lenses & jewelry prior to the time of surgery. Wear eyeglasses
- On the day of the surgery, do not wear excessive makeup, lipstick or nail polish.
- No smoking at least 12 hours before surgery. Ideally, cut down or stop smoking as soon as possible prior to the day of surgery
- If you have a change in your health, please contact our office
- If you take routine oral medications, please check with your oral surgeons prior to your surgical date for instructions
- If you use an inhaler for asthma or a glucometer for diabetes, please bring with you the day of surgery
Eating Instructions for Sedation or General Anesthesia
Morning Surgery – NOTHING to eat or drink after midnight, NOT EVEN WATER. NO GUM.
Afternoon Surgery – NO milk products or solid foods after midnight. A clear liquid breakfast is permitted before 6:00am (water, black coffee, broth, apple juice). After 6:00am, NOTHING, not even water. No gum.
However, it is important that you take any regular medication(high blood pressure, antibiotics, etc.) or any medication provided by this office using only a small sip of water (2ounces or less).

Local Anesthesia
For patients who are receiving only local anesthetic, the process of preparing for oral surgery is simple. You do not need to worry about eating restrictions or having a ride home.
If you have a significant medical issue, such as diabetes or heart disease, you should inform your dentist or surgeon in advance of your procedure. Some patients require antibiotics before undergoing surgery, such as those with artificial heart valves or a joint replacement.
Notify your dentist or surgeon of any changes to your health before your procedure.
You should also provide a list of any medications you take regularly, including blood thinners and insulin. Some medications can interfere with healing and your doctor may need to adjust your dosage prior to treatment.
Notify your dentist or surgeon of any changes to your health before your procedure. Do not ignore seemingly minor issues, such as a head or chest cold. Your doctor may recommend changing your appointment until your symptoms pass.
At Associated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, we know how to help you. Our board-certified surgeons and expert staff can provide the care you need to relieve the discomfort you feel.